Podcasting Thoughts

Definitely a Learning Experience

C.D. have been experimenting with recording set-ups, formats and sharing. We've made some mistakes, gotten in a few tussles with technology, and are starting to feel like we almost know what we are doing.  Podcasting has required us both to learn some new skills and hopefully you can hear it in the episodes getting stronger as we go.

This whole experiment has had me thinking about what allows us to embrace changes and what makes us rigid.     I've decided to explore this subject further at the September CoRe Session - Speedgeeking for Mediators


CoRe Board Appointment

I am excited to join the Core Conflict Resolution Society Board.

I have been attending the CoRe Speaker Series for the past 3 years and love the wide ranging and interesting topics covered.  They challenge me to continue to grow in my practice.  It is a great honour to be selected to give back and help CoRe support meditaors and engage the public.  CoRe is engaged in a number of interesting initiatives to support conflict resolution.

I am a member of 3 committees: Speaker Series, New Mediators Group, Writers Group